How Long Do Tree Roots Grow After a Tree is Cut Down?

Many people are concerned about the growth of tree roots after a tree has been cut down, but there is no need to worry. The roots of a tree are like its base and play an important role in anchoring the tree and in absorbing water and nutrients. Even though the tree has been cut down, the root system is still alive and will continue to grow for some time. This growth can last up to seven years after the tree has been cut.

The roots will continue to grow as long as they receive nutrients, but the tree needs leaves to produce its food. Some species of trees sprout aggressively from the roots even after felling the tree and shredding the stump. If you need help removing tree roots, contact ISA-certified arborists at TreeNeal for personalized advice on tree care. In order to make sure that nothing will grow again, it is best to use a commercial herbicide for tree roots.

This will ensure that there are no unpleasant surprises when you see the tree grow back. The stump and roots of the felled tree also produce buds and shoots to try to keep the tree growing. It is important to understand that once a tree has been cut down, its root system will continue to grow for some time. To prevent any further growth, it is best to use a commercial herbicide for tree roots. If you need help removing tree roots, contact ISA-certified arborists at TreeNeal for personalized advice on tree care.

Victor Ulmer
Victor Ulmer

Unapologetic bacon ninja. Professional twitter nerd. Hardcore food fan. Music enthusiast. Professional bacon fan.